91 King William Street
Adelaide, SA 5000
When you have a garden in your house that has tall trees and a variety of plants to care for, maintaining it needs expertise of professionals and Like Mowing Adelaide is a lawn care providing company that does not only keep your garden in good health it also makes sure that your house does not get damaged by the residue and green waste that is not disposed-off properly. Sometimes the trees scatter there leaves all over the place and some of them get into your gutters. When the gutters are blocked with leaves even the heaviest of rain cannot remove these leaves from the gutter and the stagnant water on the roof results in seepage and leaking ceilings. The services that the Like Mowing professionals offer are:-
Weed control and bush trimming Adelaide
Gutter cleaning Adelaide
Garden maintenance Adelaide
Lawn Mowing Adelaide
Tree surgery Adelaide
Garden cleanup / leaf removal Adelaide
The experts sent by Like Mowing are trained to do the pruning of your trees, remove the weeds from your garden and cut the edges and borders neatly. They are also responsible of rearranging the disturbed flower beds and fixing or replacement of broken fence.