6 38 Macpherson Street
Bronte, NSW 2024
Hello, before we introduce ourselves the team at Rok Rendering would like to welcome you to our website.
Rok Rendering was formed to provide you our customers with top notch rendering services that add value to your property or project. Our team at Rok Rendering draws on many years of experience in the cement rendering industry which allows us to provide you with high quality workmanship and expert advice. Cement Rendering can be used to improve the look of your home and increase the value, but with so many different types of rendering jargon thrown around it is sometimes hard to keep up. The team at Rok can answer all your questions and give you various options in order to get the outcome you desire.
We are highly skilled in cement rendering,acrylic rendering, coloured rendering, blueboard rendering, granosite rendering and rendering repairs meaning your project will be in safe hands with the team at Rok.